Rates & Policies

Listed below, you will find our current rates and policies. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will provide it for you. Effective November 1, 2023

Minimum Water Billing Per Month

Description Amount
Meter Size/Usage (gal.): Minimum Bill Total:
3/4" / 2,000 $31.24 + tax
3/4'' / 3,500(Commercial) $70.28 + tax
1" / 3,500 70.28 + tax
1 1/2'' / 4,000 $85.91 + tax
2'' / 8,000 $214.72 + tax
3'' / 18,200 429.43 + tax
4'' / 22,800 566.04 + tax
6'' / 54,200 1,428.74 + tax
8'' / 74,200 2,146.96 + tax

Water Cost Per Thousand Gallons

Above Minimum Consumption for Meter Site           Plus       $6.60 per thousand gallons

Minimum Sewer Per Month

Description Amount
Usage (gal.) Minimum Bill Total:
2,000 $31.24
3,500 $70.28
3,500 (Commercial) $70.28
4,000 $85.91
8,000 $214.72
18,200 $429.43
22,800 $566.04
54,200 $1,428.74
74,200 $2,146.96

Sewer Rate

Above Minimum Consumption for Meter Site          Plus          $8.23 per thousand gallons

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