Request for Qualifications The Water Works and Sewer Board of the City of Prichard Morris WWTP Outfall Relocation
September 21, 2022
Request for Qualifications
The Water Works and Sewer Board of the City of Prichard
Morris WWTP Outfall Relocation
A. Background and Objectives
The Water Works and Sewer Board of the City of Prichard (Board) is requesting statements of qualifications for professional engineering services to assist the utility with the planning, design, and construction administration of an approximately 12 mgd pump station, 3,500 linear-feet of 24-inch force main, and associated improvements to relocated the Carlos Morris WWTP’s outfall from Three Mile Creek to Mobile River via a shared outfall with MAWSS.
The Board will provide the following:
* Available information regarding the wastewater treatment collection and treatment facility.
* Review of draft documents and reports and provide timely comments and input.
* Coordination of access as required for project needs.
* Tours of the Facility will be arranged as needed.
If tours of the project site are needed: Please contact Dan McCrory at 251-457-3396
B. Proposal Schedule
The following dates are provided to assist interested firms in planning participation in the project. The dates listed, however, are in no way guaranteed and are subject to change without notice.
Issue Request for Proposals | 6 Sept 2022 |
Last Date to Request Clarifications, Information and Questions | 21 Sept 2022 |
Proposals Due | 27 Sept 2022 |
Award | At the next available regular scheduled board meeting after submittal date. |
C. Proposal Contents
This section is provided to assist participating proposers in forming a thorough response for services outlined in this document. Proposals submitted must reflect in detail their inclusion as well as the degree to which they can be provided.
The successful proposal shall:
1. History of the Firm:
a. Include a brief overview of the size, organization, longevity, structure of the firm, services offered, as well as the type of client served and membership in professional organizations.
b. Provide information on the location and number of employees at the office which will perform most of the services.
c. Provide a contact name, phone number, and email address for any questions regarding the submittal.
2. Similar Projects:
a. Provide up to eight descriptions of similar projects, or projects with elements in common with this project. Include the final construction costs, and the project start and completion dates.
b. Provide names, titles, email addresses, and phone numbers for references on each project.
3. Qualifications of Personnel:
a. Provide an organizational chart depicting the proposed project team. Names, roles, and office location should be included. Identify any sub-consultants that will be used on the project and what their role(s) are.
b. Provide a brief bio for each member of the project team that summarizes their years of experience, areas of expertise, role in the project, and general qualifications for their role.
c. Provide a table that summarizes which members of the project team worked on the projects included in the Similar Projects section.
d. Include detailed resumes for all members of the project team in an Appendix (resumes will not count against the page limit).
4. Project Approach:
a. Describe the intended approach to accomplish the goals of the project.
b. Demonstrate a clear understanding of the project and the steps necessary to provide a complete and useful plan.
c. Provide information on the potential issues that could come up during design and construction and your firm’s strategy for pro-actively addressing them.
d. Highlight any characteristics or capabilities that make the respondent uniquely qualified to perform the requested services.
The total pages for the submittal shall not exceed 30 pages (excluding resumes included in the Appendix). 11x17 sheets are allowable but shall count as two pages.
D. Selection Criteria
The selection process will be based on responses to this RFQ, verification of references and any interviews required verifying the ability of proposer to provide services in response to this document. Representatives of the Board will evaluate each proposal based on the following criteria:
1. History of the Firm - 10 points
2. Similar Projects - 30 points
3. Qualifications of Personnel - 10 points
4. Project Approach - 50 points.
The Board reserves the right to select the proposal which best meets, in its sole discretion, its required needs, budget constraints, quality levels, and administrative expectations. Due to the importance of this project, the Board also reserves the right to select one or more firms to accomplish this task or to reject all proposals. The Board will enter into negotiation with the selected firm(s) to develop a final scope and fee